3 Best Drafts Actions for Todoist users

Matthew Temple
3 min readOct 30, 2022


A while back I switched from Things 3 to Todoist. Mainly for the integrations and automations of Todoist via sites like Zapier and Make.com. There is one thing that Todoist really lacks on the iPhone and iPad — good task entry when you have a lot of tasks you want get out of your head.

In Things 3 you could always drag the add new button to the left corner of any screen to add a task to your inbox instead of the current view. This is something Todoist doesn’t have. You can drag the add new button around but only to add tasks in a specific place in the current view.

This is something I turned to another favourite app of mine to fix. Drafts is great for quickly opening and allowing you to type text without haven’t to press any other buttons. Drafts also has what they call actions. Actions let your process and send the text you have written to other apps.

After trying a number of Todoist actions in Drafts I have come up with 3 of the best.

1. Tasks in Todoist

The first is probably the one I use the most and the most simple. Tasks in Todoist is an action that simply adds each new line in your Drafts document as a new task in your Todoist inbox.

As a big follower of the GTD methodology I find this works brilliantly with my normal workflow. I can jot down quick ideas and reminders that I can review and name properly before filing away in Todoist projects later on when I process the contents of my inbox. One of the main ideas of Getting Things Done is the speed of getting stuff into your trusted place so it can be processed later. A task should be out of your head as quickly as possible and Tasks in Todoist for Drafts makes this process lightening fast.

2. Create Todoist Task with Description

This one is a bit of a mouthful but something I whenever a single task name is not enough information For example ideas I have had that I need to track in my system. For these ideas a single line is often not enough to prompt a good enough relocation of the initial idea. A more rounded description is very helpful.

Create Todoist Task with Description does exactly this. The first line of the document is your task name and everything below this is the description.

There are some limits in Todoist with Descriptions and sometime a comment may be a better option for you. This is where the next action comes in.

3. Tasks in Todoist with Options

Another action I often use for adding and filing tasks straight away and mostly from my Mac where I can type more is Tasks in Todoist with Options. This is a more complex but equally powerful in its own right. Here instead of each line in your document being added as a new task in Todoist the first line in your task title and everything below this is a comment on the task.

This allows you to add a task with a lot more detail to your trusted system for actioning later. I often use this after a meeting when I need to send my meeting notes to those that were in attendance. With this action I have the task to send the email and the notes that need to be sent all in one place ready to go as soon as I have cleaned up the notes.

Drafts app Options

The options part of this task allow you to select the project, due date and even labels you want to add to the task so you can file it away in the correct place right from inside the Drafts app.



Matthew Temple
Matthew Temple

Written by Matthew Temple

Consultant, writer, developer and marketing professional.

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